Class: Motion Capture
Instructors: Kat Sullivan - Todd Bryant
This week assignment includes creating our first game scene in Unreal Game Engine with Starter Contents and Migrated Contents, and then taking 3 hero shots of the scene.
Starter Contents referred to default asset contents provided by Unreal without the need to import, migrate or add. For migrated contents, I needed to choose from which pre-developed projects I wanted to use contents from before migrating into my project. For this purpose, I chose Infinity Blade: Grass Land. Below is a screenshot of the migrating page.
Fortunately, the migrating process went really well, so the only thing now is the creative process.
Below are couple of hero shots I took from the scene I created.
Lessons learned:
I had a very difficult time navigating the world with hot keys and mouse was particularly. Unfortunately, navigating the scene is unavoidable, and I think this would hopefully get easier with time and more practice.
Migrating contents from other projects can take some time depending on how big the content is, but the results can be rewarding with many interesting and useful assets to add to the project.
Compiling shaders when adding material types to a scene can take some time, and thus is quite time consuming before a preview can be seen on the screen.
I feel adding assets to an uneven surface can make a scene interesting looking, but may take a long time to figure out the law of physics, directions, positions of those assets.
Finally navigating positions of the assets in relation to one another is very challenging. I'm planning on researching to find a better way to improve this process for myself.