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  • Writer's pictureSon Luu

Anime js 3 - Delay

Updated: Mar 3, 2021

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<script src="" integrity="sha512-z4OUqw38qNLpn1libAN9BsoDx6nbNFio5lA6CuTp9NlK83b89hgyCVq+N5FdBJptINztxn1Z3SaKSKUS5UP60Q==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


let tl = anime.timeline({

easing: 'easeOutExpo',

duration: 750


tl.add ({

targets: 'section div',

width: '100%',

backgroundColor: 'rgb(235, 181, 156)',

delay: anime.stagger(100)


tl.add ({

targets: 'section div',

width: '90%',

backgroundColor: 'rgb(249, 232, 219)',

// delay: anime.stagger(100)


tl.add ({

targets: 'h1',

width: '20%',

opacity: 1,

duration: 4000,

// backgroundColor: 'rgb(235, 235, 255)',

// delay: anime.stagger(100)


// let grids = document.querySelectorAll('div');

// let num = 0;

// const delay = time => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time));

// grids.forEach(grid => {

// delay(0).then(() => {

// setTimeout(() => {

// = 'lightblue';

// }, num += 100);

// });

// delay(500).then(() => {

// setTimeout(() => {

// = 'rgb(228, 242, 255)';

// = '90%'

// }, num += 100);

// })

// })




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